gandhamu puyyarugA pannIru gandhamu puyyarugA
[Gopis applied sandal paste; they applied sandal paste mixed with rose-water]
andamaina yadu nandanupai kundaradana liru vondaga parimaLa
[On the handsome son of the Yadu race, the jasmine-toothed Gopis applied fragrant sandal paste such that it set firmly]
caraNam 1
tilakamu didderugA kastUri tilakamu didderugA kala kalamanu mukha kalagani sokkucu balukula namrutamu lolikeDu svAmiki
[[The Gopis] adorned the Lord with musk (mixed) tilaka;
bewitched by beholding the winsome lustre of His face, they applied sandal paste to the Lord in whose words nectar oozes out]
caraNam 2
celamu gaTTerugA bangAru celamu gaTTerugA mAlimitO gOpAla pAlulatO nAlamepina vishAla nayanuni
[[The Gopis] draped the Lord with golden garments!
And on the large-eyed one who lovingly tended cattle along with the cowherd-boys, (they applied...)]
caraNam 3
hAratu letterugA mutyAla hAratu letterugA nArImaNulaku vAramu yauvana vAraka mosageDu vArijAkShuniki
[[The Gopis] performed a pearl arati!
On the lotus-eyed one who offers eternal youth as payment to the gems among women, (they applied...)]
caraNam 4
pUjalu sEyarugA manasAra pUjalu sEyarug jAjulu mari virivAjulu davanamu rAjita tyAgarAja-nutunipai
[[The Gopis] performed Pujas wholeheartedly, with jasmine, tuscan jasmine and mugwort;
On the effulgent one praised by Tyagaraja (they applied...)]
gandhamu puyyarugA pannIru gandhamu puyyarugA
[Gopis applied sandal paste; they applied sandal paste mixed with rose-water]
andamaina yadu nandanupai kundaradana liru vondaga parimaLa
[On the handsome son of the Yadu race, the jasmine-toothed Gopis applied fragrant sandal paste such that it set firmly]
caraNam 1
tilakamu didderugA kastUri tilakamu didderugA kala kalamanu mukha kalagani sokkucu balukula namrutamu lolikeDu svAmiki
[[The Gopis] adorned the Lord with musk (mixed) tilaka;
bewitched by beholding the winsome lustre of His face, they applied sandal paste to the Lord in whose words nectar oozes out]
caraNam 2
celamu gaTTerugA bangAru celamu gaTTerugA mAlimitO gOpAla pAlulatO nAlamepina vishAla nayanuni
[[The Gopis] draped the Lord with golden garments!
And on the large-eyed one who lovingly tended cattle along with the cowherd-boys, (they applied...)]
caraNam 3
hAratu letterugA mutyAla hAratu letterugA nArImaNulaku vAramu yauvana vAraka mosageDu vArijAkShuniki
[[The Gopis] performed a pearl arati!
On the lotus-eyed one who offers eternal youth as payment to the gems among women, (they applied...)]
caraNam 4
pUjalu sEyarugA manasAra pUjalu sEyarug jAjulu mari virivAjulu davanamu rAjita tyAgarAja-nutunipai
[[The Gopis] performed Pujas wholeheartedly, with jasmine, tuscan jasmine and mugwort;
On the effulgent one praised by Tyagaraja (they applied...)]